Nèr Arfer
is a generative artist and creative coder from Paris. His work is at the crossroads of digital media, musical experiments and physical world. (This site is in construction, details on projects coming soon)
Things, 2021
Everything can be anything. Things are a collection of unique generative artworks generated on-chain. mintsomething.art
Lydian Plucks, 2021
Observe and listen to these primitive crypto-life forms bouncing inside Ethereum blocks. As the chain is evolving, they compose rhythms and melodies from another space. See on EthBlock.art
Mesh, 2021
Generative random canvas inspired by Armin Haufmann's graphic design manual. See on Hic et Nunc
Liberté Modérée, 2021
Can a facial recognition surveilance device be friendly and beloved ? This experiment questions our relationship with control technologies.
Erosion, 2021
Generative experiment
Place Publique, 2020
Developing the most secures anti-hacking systems ever created and guarantee that your personal data will always stay perfectly public.
Umwelt+, 2020
Through this haptic wristband project, I explore the capacity of design to do what science can't: feeling data instead of analyzing it.
Lifeform, 2020
Is human destructive existance nothing more than a terrible error or is it just a mechanichal evolution process ? Can life come out and adapt from a plastic continent ? If yes, if this type of life could resist to human violence, will it be the cause of human extiction ? See on Hic et Nunc
Rogue, 2020
Procedural level design exploration
Godfried, 2020
This project of voluntarily surprising and counter-intuitive sequencer aims to stimulate creativity prioritising musical research instead of mechanical composition.
Multipong, 2020
Beyond the game itself, this concept takes people's smartphones off their hands in a positive way. No frustration nor temptation.
Broken Aquarel, 2019
Having fun with Processing
Techtonic, 2018